CSVをちゃんと読む Flash/JavaScript


var lines = text.split("\n");
var sheet = [];
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {




 * CSV parser.
 * result of this function can be used like "csv[row][col]".
 * all rows has the same number of columns.
 * @param src raw string of CSV format
 * @return an Array(2D)
function parseCSV(src) {

    // constants
    var QUOT = '"', SEP = ',', CR = "\r", LF = "\n";
    // data to be generated
    var sheet = [], row = [], cell = "";
    // status flags
    var inquot = false;      // true when the current cell starts with quot.
    var cn = src.charAt(0);  // the next character, to be the 1st one before scanning.
    for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
        var cc = cn;  // current character is the next character of previous loop.
        cn = (i == src.length - 1) ? null : src.charAt(i + 1); // the next character
        if (cc == CR) {
            if (cn != LF) cc = LF;    // CR without LF : considerd as LF
            if (cn == LF) continue;   // CR with LF : skip this CR
        if (inquot) {
            // put a character to current cell with quot character escape if ...
            // current cell starts with quot and
            // now quoted string is still not terminated.
            // - double quot: puts a quot, then progress cursor twice.
            // - single quot: ends this mode.
            // - else       : put a character to current cell.
            switch(cc) {
                case QUOT:
                    if (cn == QUOT) { cell += QUOT; i++; }
                    else inquot = false; break;
                    cell += cc;
        else {
            // put a character to current cell or move to the next cell/row if ...
            // current cell does still not start,
            // starts without quot or 
            // quot terminated in cell.
            // - newline  : ends current row.
            // - comma    : ends current cell.
            // - 1st quot : starts quoted cell. (it would be happen with the 1st character of cell.)
            // - else     : put a character to current cell.
            switch(cc) {
                case LF:
                    row.push(cell); cell = "";
                    sheet.push(row); row = []; break;
                case SEP:
                    row.push(cell); cell = ""; break;
                case QUOT:
                    if (cell == "") { inquot = true; break; }
                    cell += cc;
    // join characters after the last spearator to this sheet.
    if(cell != "") row.push(cell);
    if(row.length > 0) sheet.push(row);
    // adjust number of columns of each rows.
    var cols = 0; // the max length of each row
    for (i = 0; i < sheet.length; i++) {
        cols = Math.max(sheet[i].length, cols);
    for (i = 0; i < sheet.length; i++) {
        var pad = cols - sheet[i].length; // count to be padded.
        for (j = 0; j < pad; j++) {
    return sheet;

